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Market Comment – Feb 2021

As we continue into unknown 2021 territory, but with the hope of restrictions easing, the sales market is predictably short of new quality housing stock coming to the market. Whilst some vendors are keen to market through lockdown, the majority have understandable concerns about letting strangers into their homes and also whether their property is likely to get the market attention it deserves with out of County” buyers less likely to travel? Buyer demand however remains strong in all sectors and prices are still holding, if not increasing due partly to the lack of supply. Based on the experience of the last lockdowns we are likely to see a sharp increase in supply and sales when restrictions ease, which will have the effect of pushing the market on again despite the end (perhaps?) of the stamp duty holiday. A note of caution though, beware not to get carried away with your pricing, we are seeing more and more examples of over-priced houses coming to the market with some agents and not selling.

Meanwhile, conveyancers across the Country are experiencing an unprecedented workload, which has led to a significant increase in the time it takes to sell your house once you have found a buyer so beware that a lead time of over 3 months is now becoming the new normal.

In summary, if you are looking to sell your house, now is a good time to choose an agent and get everything in place to take full advantage of the post lockdown wave. If you are interested in selling your home, please call us on (01637) 875847 for a free market appraisal and fee quote – it costs nothing to find out..

Bradley Start Partner, Start & Co


Market Comment from Bradley Start - Feb 2021

by Bradley Start

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